Sunday, May 8, 2011

Harem pants

Let's just pretend I posted this yesterday, shall we?
Shirt - Lacoste, Belt - Primark, Gold bracelet on left - Don't remember, think Dad brought it back forever ago during his traveling days, Gold bracelets on right - Uniquities, Harem pants (yes, that's what I said--harem pants) - Primark, Sandals - Jeffrey Campbell
In the morning, Mom, Child, and I went strawberry picking, which is basically my favorite springtime tradition that kind of stopped happening...maybe seven years ago. Not this year! I called Mom, she was game, I asked Child, she whooped, and so we went. I feel like it's a new tradition now since Child came along, and that made my heart happy.

What did I do with the strawberries? Why, I made a strawberry glace pie for the next day's Mother's Day lunch. Then I made banana walnut chocolate chip cookies. And I made fancy ice cubes in anticipation of the lemon mint cooler we'll be drinking. And then I made an old-fashioned layered salad. And when it was time to celebrate Mother-in-Law's birthday, what did I want to wear? Basically something that was even more comfortable than pajamas. And look how completely thrilled that made me:
That's a genuine smile of pleasure.

I do realize that the revival of harem pants is over with. And since I bought these as kind of a curious joke, I honestly thought that I could throw these in the back of my closet and forget about them. But you know what? I like them and I don't wear things according to trends. I wear what makes me happy.

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