I am so excited to be doing my first
Bloggers Do It Better challenge, an idea from
Pretty Shiny Sparkly. I missed out on the first couple of challenges, but now I'm on board. This definitely falls in line with one of my reasons for starting the blog--to challenge myself, fashion-wise. So here I unveil my call to the challenge of American Prep Menswear:
White button-down - Petite Sophisticate, Yellow Tie - Hot Topic (present from Mom ages ago--don't ask), Navy Cardigan - Gap Outlet, Watch - Michele Watches, Purse - Kate Spade, Green Belt - American Eagle, Shorts - Gap, Green Wedges - Steven Madden |
I went with simple, prep school colors--a bright yellow, navy blue, and classic green. The white made the colors pop. The purse and shoes were worn to girl-ify the look.
A few things surprised me about this look. How easy it was to
do a half-Windsor knot, how special a tie can make you feel, and how completely un-special it seemed to be for everybody else! Look, I don't dress for anybody but me, and I don't expect compliments or comments (yes, I even say that though I am blogging my clothes), but look at me--
I am wearing a tie. After a long day of feeling special about it, but becoming more confused over the lack of comments, Child finally said to me after work, "You look kind of like Hermione." Ha! And she doesn't even know that I'm rereading Harry Potter. Then a manager at Chick-Fil-A complimented my look and said I pulled it off well. Bless her. I was growing seriously concerned that nobody noticed my bright yellow tie.
One, it's the most gorgeous yellow, two, it matches my purse, and three, just look at that half-Windsor knot! It only took me two tries!