Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fave of the Week: March 2-March 9

You guys, get ready for the ugliest pictures you will ever see on this site. And here's the only reason I'm posting them--dedication. I am dedicated to showing at least one outfit from every week...and this is the only outfit I took pictures of the entire week of March 2-9. We have no other choice.
Blouse - Uniquities, Belt - Primark, Dress - Primark, Socks - Target, Boots - Frye
So...that was the best picture of the bunch, so you're welcome. Here are more!
Kind of wacky hair.
What's crazy is that in real life, this outfit got compliments! I was told that I was great at pattern-mixing, finding complimenting colors and patterns. But these pictures and the outfit look not so great, huh?
The colors of this outfit remind me of The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski.
This was actually a book club choice from February that I read in January, but I wanted to mention it because I really, really enjoyed it (4 out of 5 stars), but most of my book club did not. It at least brought forward a lot of conversation! If you like books about dogs, or books based on Shakespeare (this one's Hamlet), read my review and consider trying at least 100 pages of this book.

I have no idea why I liked this book, but I did. I didn't even want to like it. I didn't want to read it. I fought against reading it and maybe tried to sabotage other book clubbers to stage a coup. In the end, I figured, well, I have a long flight to the UK. Might as well suck it up and take it in my carry-on.

Then I got completely sucked in! From page one (even though our book club leader challenged us to just try 100 pages). I loved Wroblewski's writing. I loved this quiet story, this quiet family, on a farm in Wisconsin in the 70s. This quiet boy, literally, as he's mute. Their amazing dogs. The backstory of the amazing dogs. I can't get out of my head the dog from Japan, who patiently waited at the train station for his dead master. I'm not too familiar with Shakespeare, but I was intrigued by the connection to Hamlet, and saw at least the major plot points emerge, though I'm sure there were a lot of nuances I didn't pick up. And Claude! Wow, he's one tricky bastard. There were painful parts--Edgar's father's death and Edgar's inability to call for help,


Almondine's death as she looked for Edgar, and pretty much the entire ending. It's the ending that makes me feel confused about whether or not I like this book--it was not a fun, pretty ending. It was so far from a fun, pretty ending, pretty much the furthest you can get. I guess I didn't like the ending, but it was effective and fitting. 

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